Tag Archives: Attack

The Boston Marathon

By now, surely, you all have heard what has happened in Boston, MA.  CNN‘s report demonstrates the level of confusion (something with which are becoming all too familiar). Here’s the President’s response:

I realize Boston, generally, takes a lot of shit from the internet.  I know that regardless of fact however that the events of today, like what Patton Oswalt wrote on Facebook, are outshone by those in which people are genuinely affected by positive interactions.

In the interest of full disclosure, my father ran the Marathon many years ago.  I remember visiting Boston, MA and I remember the city and how bright it became during the running of the race.  It was a beautiful occasion, and the city was a wonderful place to visit.  It is honestly one of my favorite trips as a family and was an experience to watch my dad, whose training had taken years to get him there, finish this race.

In summation, Boston, in my experience, is a city of strong willed and kind people who were always helpful when need be and were quick with it.  I’m sure in the days and weeks to come we will hear stories of those that did what they could to help.

We will not be posting after the music today as a result, consider it an homage and a chance to decompress in the fact of such stark inhumanity.

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Posted by on April 16, 2013 in Uncategorized


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